Tag: OCD

How OCD can be the BEST disorder to have

“When you say ‘control freak’ and ‘OCD’ and ‘organized,’ that suggests someone who’s cold in nature, and I’m just not. Like, I’m really open when it comes to letting people in. But I just like my house to be neat, ...

Irrational Fears and OCD in Children

    On Friday, May 23, 2014, ABC’s 20/20 presented a very informative and realistic view of how Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) impacts the lives of children and their families. These children were followed over a 5 year period and ...

OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Scrupulosity in Islam

 “He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.” – Arabian Proverb Wikipedia defines scrupulosity as a psychological disorder “characterized by pathological guilt about moral or religious issues. It is personally distressing, objectively dysfunctional, and often ...

Compulsive Hoarding

“At the end, all that’s left of you are your possessions. Perhaps that’s why I’ve never been able to throw anything away. Perhaps that’s why I hoarded the world: with the hope that when I died, the sum total of ...