Convert Corner

My First Ramadan: Final Countdown

“He has left his food, drink and desires for my sake.  The fast is for me, so I will reward (The fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times”    ~Sahih Al bukhari Guest post by ...

My First Ramadan: Week Two

Guest Post By Archimedes Aquino Hunger was the first week’s challenge.  The new challenge for this week was sleep. I’ve gotten used to the cycle of the new routine with the lulls in energy at noon and three in the ...

My First Ramadan: Week One

Guest Post By Archimedes Aquino This is my first year fasting as a Muslim.  I converted a month before the start of Ramadan.  What has been most difficult is binge eating and drinking from 3:00-4:00 am so that I can ...

Converting to Islam: The Highs and Lows

My Conversion Experience   Editor’s Note:  The convert/revert experience within the Muslim community, in a time of Islamophobia as well as hateful media and political rhetoric towards Muslims, can pose many challenges for the new convert. Individuals convert to Islam ...